I re-started blogging to sort fo tell about my new hobbies. But i
writng! I guess I could say thats also one of my hobbies. Anyways, this is a short story i wrote...So, opnions please!
The Great Escape
Will was a kid who never took chances. When I say never I truly mean never. As a child he never climbed the jungle gym because he thought he would fall. He was always very cautious when it came to turning book pages for a fear of paper cuts. As a teenager some of his fears where still a little unreasonable. But, nonetheless Will was growing up, and growing out of some of his fears. Will started to feel fearless, and invincible. Why the change you ask? Her name was Annie.
Annie and Will have been neighbors and friends from a very young age. Annie lived in the house next to Will's in Blossom Springs Development. Its a development in a suburb outside of Atlanta. Annie was always crazy and willing to do anything, the complete opposite of Will. But, Annie could never be that way around her parents. Her parents expected her to get perfect grades, and always conduct herself in a way that would not 'embarrass' their family. Will and Annie were both an only child. Annie was beautiful, she had long brown hair filled with big curls. She was also short,but definitely a spitfire. Will on the other hand had straight badly cut dirty blonde hair. He was also tall, but scrawny and like a stick, and entirely too shy.
Up until ninth grade Will and Annie were absolutely inseparable. But, once ninth grade started Annie became a cheerleader, and freshman class president. She said to Will after the second week of school “Will, I just can't be friends with you, I’m really busy with school and stuff. Plus, we've been friends for a really long time, so maybe we should find other people to hang out with.” Will was astonished and for the first time in is life actually stood up for himself and said, “Look Annie, I get it.” “Wait? You get it? Well, I’m glad” she said. “Yeah Annie, you've become to cool for me, and apparently too much of a jerk.”
So Will did his band thing and made some pretty interesting friends. Paul who played the tuba, and Gerald who had to be related to Lars Ulrich or something, because he played the drums that good. By the time junior year came Annie and Will didn't even bother to look at each other in the hallway, or even wave outside their houses. Will always wondered what could have been, he had a crush on Annie ever since they were seven. Annie didn't ever admit it, but she used to have a crush on Will. She also wondered what could have been quite often. For both of them senior year came all too fast. Will was happy with who he was, and on occasion taking some risks. Annie hated who she was. Sure, she was the captain of the cheer leading squad, senior president, and girlfriend of quarter back Austin Marks but that didn't matter to her anymore. She was tired of her friends and family's superficial world. She needed out of it, and quick. Her best friend noticed something was up and asked “Hey, Annie something is definitely up with you, you're not even excited about homecoming. What gives?” She just shrugged it off, she told Elle “hey, don't worry about me just have a lot of studying to do no big deal.” That night she started planning it, she called her plan the great escape. Homecoming was in two weeks and she had some major planning to do...
Will wasn't worried about finding a date to homecoming, this was the first year him and his friends were even going. Annie packed her bag, and hid it in the back of her closet. For the next week nothing was different. After physics Austin found Annie. He sounded kind of worried “are you worried about something” he said. “No, why do I seem it?” She said nervously. “Well homecoming is in a week and your not the least bit excited.” “There's the bell!” Annie said and walked away as fast as she could.
Finally, homecoming came. The game was starting in ten minutes and no one could find Annie. Everyone tried calling her, but her phone was off. Annie checked to make sure Will didn't leave yet. When she was sure, she snuck over to his yard and threw rocks at his window. Will looked out his window, and was surprised that it was Annie. “Uh, is there a reason why your throwing rocks at my window” he said. “Well...yeah, sort of. Can you just come down here.” Will's mind was racing he wondered what in the world she wanted. He thought to himself we haven't even talked in three years.
“Will, I need to get out of here. Now.” Will was very confused. “Wait, what do you mean, and why are you telling me?” “Look Will, I'm sorry I was a jerk. I'm sorry I turned into someone that I wasn't. I can't deal with this tiny superficial world. I need to get out of it, and I need you to help me.” He was now thinking to himself, what am I supposed to do? Why me, why now? “Well, apology accepted. But, what do you want me to do” Will said. “Well, lets leave.” “Wait!” Will said surprised and confused. “Leave? Where are we supposed to go? Don't you know homecoming is tonight? You're kind of supposed to be there, remember?” “Yes Will I know.” Annie said. “But that’s the point, I need to leave and I need to do it quick.” Will was starting to understand what was going on. “Well where are we going” he asked. “Cape Canaveral.” “What! Are you crazy? Wait, you don't ask a crazy person if they're crazy they're too crazy to know!” “Come on Will” Annie said in her nicest voice. “You know that's always been my dream! A spaceship is taking off tomorrow, and I'll die if I don't see it.” “Okay, fine we'll go.” Will said as he gave in, but secretly he was excited to be going with Annie. “Well, fine but my dream is to hug Shammoo, so we better be stopping at sea world.” “Oh, don't worry” She said. “I can make that happen.”
Will's parents weren't home so he left a note on the counter, Annie threw her cell phone in the pound outside the development. That was it they were on their way. One thing that didn't change was Annie's dorky music preferences. “Will” Annie said, “Thank you for the first time in forever I actually feel like a person. I'm not weighed down by anything or anyone.” When they got to Kennedy Space Station you would of thought Annie was a five year old, she was so giddy and excited. When the spaceship set off she smiled and said, “I'm free just like that rocket.”